Benjamin Atkinson

Benjamin Atkinson

An experience Digital PR and corporate communications professional, Benjamin Atkinson leads PR strategy at delivery for Igniyte’s clients across multiple countries and sectors.

With over 5 years’ experience in marketing, communications, and PR, Benjamin consistently gains high-ranking positive coverage for our clients in national, international, and specialist online media – including The Times, The National, The I Paper, EuroNews, Forbes, and PC Mag.

Benjamin Atkinson manages the PR accounts and reputation of a number of high-profile companies and high-net-worth individuals within legal, financial, property, wellbeing, and cryptocurrency spheres.

He joined Igniyte with a track record of executing national press campaigns, corporate PR accolades, content marketing, and internal communication projects.

Benjamin specialises in brand management, personal reputation management, SEO, and communication planning. He is a Graduate from The University of Lincoln, where he received the 2016 International Marketing Graduate Award for his exemplary academic achievements and understanding of the field. He is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of PR (CIPR).

Get in touch with Benjamin